When I told Joseph about how extensive the California grass was, he asked if it went all the way to the "island" end (that
was historically mostly honohono grass). Hmmm, so on the second day I cut a trail to the old mango tree for this view.
While we're up in the tree, let's look about. Here is going off to the right. Off in the distance is the hasu farm.
And more to the right. Here you can see the grasses transition into pure honohono on the far right. (For those of you who
don't know, walking in honohono is like walking in deep soft clover, except no bees.)
Looking to the left of us shows Robin's well-managed area. In the foreground you can see a kudzu-klone smothering a few
of our trees (when we got to clearing, almost all of these trees were dead, whereas most in the CA grass were alive).
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